
Bird Rearing During a Pandemic | Melanie Hoffert

52nd NMW Award for Nonfiction.
Melanie Hoffert of Battle Lake, Minnesota for “Bird Rearing During a Pandemic,”​

In times of turmoil, when threats loom both externally and all-too-internally, what good can it possibly do to rescue one tiny beating heart? As Hoffert’s essay so marvelously reminds us, sometimes our own heart gets rescued too. 

Bird Rearing During a Pandemic | Melanie Hoffert Read More »

Blanking | Kristin Kostick

New Millennium Award for Nonfiction
Kristin Kostick of Houston, Texas for “Blanking”

Who among us hasn’t yearned for a clean slate? Some way to shed all the old hurts and regrets and begin again, fresh and unencumbered as a newborn soul. In “Blanking,” Kristin ponders the power and possible advantages of self-deception.

Blanking | Kristin Kostick Read More »

Ensō | Natalie Mucker

At the beginning of Luke Ossani’s yoga class, I am not entirely myself. I’ve somehow lost touch with half of me, the peaceful half, the part that keeps me from quitting adulthood, buying a one-way ticket to Morocco, or drinking one to five glasses of wine per night…

Ensō | Natalie Mucker Read More »

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